In questo post vi ho spiegato come fare le frasi con gli aggettivi in inglese aventi Ed e Ing come finale. Inoltre vi ho anche fatto degli esempi scrivendo delle frasi in italiano e traducendole in inglese.
In questo post, invece, vi riporto alcuni esercizi da svolgere inerenti a tali aggettivi.
Tali esercizi sono stati svolti oggi in classe durante l'ora di inglese.
Complete the adjectives with -ed or -ing.
(Completa gli aggettivi con -ed o -ing).
1) What do you think is the most excit___ sport to watch?
2) What music do you listen to if you feel depress___?
3) What was the last interest___ TV programme you watched?
4) Have you ever been disappoint___ by a birthday present?
5) Which do you find more tir___, travelling by car or by public transport?
6) Are you often bor___ at work or school?
7) What's the most embarrass___ thing that's ever happened to you?
8) Are you frighten___ of any insects?
9) Do you feel very tir___ in the morning?
10) What's the most bor___ film you've seen recently?
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