mercoledì 8 febbraio 2012

Esercizi sul Present Perfect e sul Past Simple

Oggi durante l'ora di inglese abbiamo svolto degli esercizi sul Present Perfect e il Past Simple.

In pratica questi esercizi consistevano nel completare dei mini-dialoghi utilizzando o il Present Perfect o il Past Simple.

Di seguito vi riporto tali frasi da completare in modo che anche voi possiate esercitarvi.

____ (you / ever / been) to Mexico?
No, never. I only ____ (go) as far as the Mexican border when I ____ (be) in California years ago.

Why don't you go to a Japanese restaurant with your friend?
Good idea. She ____ (never / be) to one before.
What about you, Jane? ____ (you / ever / eat) Japanese food?

____ (your parents / meet) your girlfriend already, Sammy?
Yes, I ____ (take) her home and ____ (introduce) her to them last month.

I know Sally Robinson.
Really? ____ (you / meet) her recently?
Oh, no. A long time ago.
When ____ (you / meet) her?
I ____ (meet) her during the tour of Tunisia in 1989.
____ (he / ever / have) pneumonia before?
Yes, doctor. He ____ (already / have) it twice. He ____ (have) it ten years ago the first time, and then again last year.

It's nearly lunch time and I ____ (not see) Mrs Carter yet this morning. ____ (you / see) her?
Yes, I ____ (see) her when I ____ (arrive) in the office but she ____ (go) out soon afterwards.

We ____ (have) this house for about ten years. When we ____ (move) here er first ____ (rent) a flat in the city centre, but we ____ (not like) living there. So we ____ (start) to look for a house of our own until we ___ (find) this one. It ____ (be) love at first sight. There ____ (be) nothing in the garden, though. So we ____ (plant) some trees which ____ (now / grow) a lot, as you can see. We ____ (make) some changes and ____ (mend) some parts in the last few years.
Even though we ____ (spend) a lot of money for all this, we ____ (never / regret)buying it.

Sheila ____ (always / love) animals. She ____ (think) she would become a vet all her life, since she ____ (be) a child. In fact, last year, after she ____ (get) her A levels, she ____ (start) to study veterinary science. When she ____ (turn) four, her parents ____ (bring) her a puppy: they ____ (become) inseparable friends until he ____ (die) six years ago. Since then, she ____ (have) two Alsatians and three cats. When she ____ (enter) University, though, she ____ (leave) them at home with her parents, as pets are not allowed in the college.

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